Child Sponsorship
Your monthly sponsorship gift will change a child's life!
Sponsorship provides:
- A loving Christian environment in which to grow in grace and knowledge
- An English medium education (inlcuding tuition,uniforms, text books and supplies
-Medical and dental care
- Clothing and more
The suggested monthly support is $35 per month but any amount is appreciated.
It costs $100 a month to provide a child with all his needs so many of the children
have multiple sponsors. Also our older children are going into higher education
and their needs require more sponsors as well.
Tribal Sponsorship
Your gift can help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
Since the year 2000 Grace Life Ministries has worked in the state of Odisha. This state is one of the poorest in India with 80% of the population still living rurally. If one could be transported 2000 years back to the time of Christ, the villages and the farming would not have changed. This impoverished state has thousands of villages without even one believer, yet where the gospel has gone, there is a very great response - in spite of the fact that these areas still experience Christian persecution. It requires sensitivity and wisdom to do outreach in these tribal areas and often economic development paves the way for ministry.
We are in the process of sponsoring a village in Odisha, providing necessary poverty-breaking resources such a women's self-help grants, medical aid, agri-farming, and more. We invite sponsors to invest in the lives of these tribal villagers (suggested donation $40 per month) so as to bring positive change to this wonderful community. Together as a team we can bring true blessing and change through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Donations can be made online through paypal.

Click on booklet to see how your church can be involved in helping tribals in an Odisha village